
Possible everybody already known, Unity Greeter presenting awailable indicators in the login screen. If an user press F10 key, land the devicemenu indicator, with usual have following menu items:
1. Suspend.
2. Shut down.

I found a little bug, with I don't no what the proper component with need reporting: If an user press ENTER key the shut down menu item, nothing happening, the machine is not shutdown, suspend works right. The user this situation land back the Unity Greeter screen.
Why happening this issue?
The answer is very simple, because the Lightdm user not setted with com.canonical.indicator.session suppress-logout-restart-shutdown GSettings key with true value. This GSettings key determining if an user choosing the devicemenu indicator with shutdown, restart or logout menu items, happening a confirmation dialog presenting or not before happening the real operation. If this GSettings value is false, the confirmation dialog is presenting, but this is not happening in Unity Greeter. You easy to verify this value with LightDm user with following commands, and possible changing temporary with this setting to true value if you want work the shutdown menu item in Unity Greeter until this bug is not fixed:
1. Verify actual value in terminal with following command:
sudo -u lightdm dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings get com.canonical.indicator.session suppress-logout-restart-shutdown
If the returned value is false, do next step.
2. Setting the required true value to work shutdown menu in Unity Greeter:
sudo -u lightdm dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session suppress-logout-restart-shutdown true
3. If you want, do the first step to verify the change is happened right.
After this, you need logging out if you want testing the new change. My machine if I click shutdown menu, the system shutdowning right in Unity Greeter too.


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