
I'm currently a vision impaired user of debian, but I'm trying out
ubuntu and potentially looking to make a switch. 
However I've ran into some problems:

1. How do I see the list of all my applications? I press the windows key
and then attempt to arrow around, but this does not work. I read that
this is the method to view the entire application list with unity... 
So how to do this with orca?
Also, on a bit of a side note, what is a better choice from an
accessibility point of view, gnome-shell or unity? Is there some reason
why unity is the default on ubuntu? 
2. In Some applications are not working quite right. In Libreoffice calc
when I use the arrow keys to navigate the spread sheet I do not get any
spoken feedback from orca. 
Also in both writer and calc (possibly other apps, but that's all I've
tested so far) I can not access the menu bar by using alt or alt+f. 
Is there a solution to this one? 
3. I've just installed emacspeak from source on ubuntu, using
espeak. When I run emacspeak with espeak I experience regular crashes on
average one every few minutes. 
Obviously this is quite annoying, so I was hoping there might be a fix
I'm also experiencing almost identical problem on debian, but my best
solution so far is to revert back to alsa. Is this also the best
solution for ubuntu? 
I'm presuming this will also be an issue when I get around to installing
speakup, as it was on debian also. 

4. My final problem: I'm attempting to build and install speakup as
kernel modules. 
First I tried installing module-assistant and doing the following as
m-a prepare 
m-a a-i speakup 

The build process failed though. Is my best option for now to build the
modules from source out of git? 

If anyone can help with any of this I'd grately appreciate it. 

Thanks in advance, 

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