Thanks for all your tips and suggestions!

I will start to look into Peter's instructions as well as sign up for the
Orca mailing list. I started out here as Ubuntu Studio is, well Ubuntu.

So far I have had best success on Xfce 4.8 (Ubuntu Studio 12.04 & Debian
Wheezy) rather than 4.10 (Ubuntu Studio/Xubuntu 13.04/13.10). As the next
release of Ubuntu Studio 13.10 will use Xfce 4.10 that's what I'm pushing
for. The version of Orca in the Ubuntu repos for 13.xx is 3.8. Debian
Wheezy ran 3.4 and I suppose Ubuntu Studio 12.04 did the same, but I don't
have that computer available at the moment to check.

Kind regards

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:20 PM, Peter Vágner <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I recommend xfce 4.10 as there were some accessibility related fixes
> during its development cycle.
> When it comes to orca I know it is working well with orca 3.6 and also
> 3.8. I haven't tested xfce with other versions of orca.
> However I guess even orca 3.4 might work because there is nothing in xfce
> what communicates directly to orca and all the accessibility related
> packages are installed as orca dependencies so hopefully there is nothing
> that might cause conflicts.
> I would suggest install the recent stuff provided by your distro of choice
> and then tweak from there if some tweaking is needed indeed.
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