Thank you for some clarification.
I found:

ccsm is not fully accessible with Orca. But we are one step further.

Op 18-07-15 om 06:51 schreef blind Pete:
Milton wrote:

Hi blind Pete,

I could not get further because I do not know what buttons are button1,
button2 etc.
Can you or somebody tell me if I set Zoom-inn to button4 what button
that is on my keyboard and also for button5? Thanks in advance.

On a standard mouse;
button 1 is the left mouse button,
button 2 is the middle button (press the scroll wheel down),
button 3 is the right button,
button 4 means scroll the mouse wheel one way,
button 5 means scroll the wheel the other way.

Exotic mice might have more buttons.  If you want to be
difficult you can reassign buttons in /etc/X11/xorg.conf,
but I strongly discourage that.

On the keyboard; <alt>, <control>, and <shift> should be
obvious.  Very old keyboards do not have a Super/Windows/Tux
key, most have a Windows logo on a key between the Control
and Alt keys.  (One on each side of the keyboard.)  Also, if
you have a European keyboard there is one more key than on
a US keyboard, and the left and right Alt keys are different.

"<Super><button5>" means hold down one of the keys with a
Windows logo on it and scroll the mouse wheel.  If you are
very lucky you might have pictures of penguins rather than

Off topic:
"Top-posting" is normal for most e-mail and some USENET
groups.  "Bottom posting is more normal around here.  Be prepared
to trim stuff that you are not replying to.  I usually add an
"editor's mark" like "[snip]" to indicate that I have deleted
stuff.  Anyone who wants to see the original can easily go back
to an older message.  I am accessing this as a news group via
nntp at gmane.linux.ubuntu.devel.accessibility although I guess
that you are using it as e-mail.  Consider using a news reader
rather than a mail agent.  It is also possible to look at old
posts with a web browser.

Also if your signature starts with <newline> dash dash space <newline>
most news readers will recognize it as a signature and automatically
not include it any reply.

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