Am Mittwoch, den 02.03.2016, 11:08 +1100 schrieb Luke Yelavich:

> > Is Ubuntu phone already on Mir or it still uses ordinary X.org? I am
> > really impatient to try something (although don't have this phone
> > yet). I am ready to try getting this phone, but I need to be sure
> > that I will be able to have access to its internals. Otherwise,
> > apparently , I will be unable to do anything at all.
> As above, Mir is used on the phone now.

Mir uses libinput, the same generic input layer that wayland uses. 
i would expect that there will be something happening upstream at some
point to integrate at-spi with libinput (there is surely also work in
Mir and unity8 required, but the lower input layer should be covered by
upstream integration)


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