There has been some photography talk on the list lately, so I thought I might as well throw my to cents in here to.

While good photography can provide really good backgrouns, they seldom cut it if they are used "raw" - ie. with out being reworked. Simply sticking a logo on a photo won't do it in most cases either (though there may be exceptions to this ofcourse).

I'm not saying that everything should be as heavily reworked as, but a little touching up never hurst :-D

If there are photographers out there wanting to share their footage with the world they could be a great resource for the art team. Not that I have the time right now, but I would love to work on some quality photography :-D My own digital camera combined with my own photography skills is not exactly something that is bound to produce miracles if you get my drift ;-P

Mikkel Kamstrup

Senectus . wrote:

Does the Ubuntu art group accept Photo submissions?

Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
CNet So that would be the philosophical difference between
Microsoft and what Google is up to at this point?
Bill Gates: Well, we don't know everything they are up to, but we do
know their slogan and we disagree with that.

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