First i'm sorry that i wasn't able to be at the saturday meeting. I have web 
access only at university so it will hard for me to be at any meeting or to 
follow closely any discussion here.
I would like to take this "dapper splash" thread as an example of why we really 
need a comprehensive guideline document for ubuntu artwork. 

First,  here is my advices on theses splash screens. 
- first, better is the ennemy of good. The current splash screen is already 
good and you tried to make them better by adding "random" things, this isn't 
how it works. While it was equilibrated an coherent before, your additions just 
doesn't blend with the original theme.

- second, your additions doesn't seem to follow the "ubuntu spirit" But WTF is 
the ubuntu spirit, i don't know it myself either, and i would like a definition 
or guideline before i can start doing artwork.
Grids look "cartesian, precise and scientific", is that the ubuntu spirit ? I 
don't think so...
Your circles looks "abstract, geometric", is that compatible with the "ubuntu 
spirit" ? I don't really know... 
But what i know is that you created a new logo that competes with the original 
one., and i don't think it's a good idea. 

So what is exactly the "ubuntu spirit", what ideas do you associate with it, 
what's it's definition ? Personnally i associate those terms "human, earth, 
organical, fluid, nature, brown, orange, warm, soft, skin" but it would make 
things easier if there was an offical definition ( an artwork guide ) 

Here is another example of things that the guide should include : 
If we have to include a representation of an object should it be styled :
- cartoon
- shematic
- photorelasitic
- abstract ? 

There is a lot of question that i'm asking myself before making an artwork. I 
would like some answers, and i'm sure i'm not alone. 

what's really important if we want to make ubuntu look professional is some 
kind of unity in the artwork, and it will never happen if everybody just makes 
what they like.

That's why we also need some art director. Viper550 asked advices on his 
artwork, but there was none official response. Just some "i like" "i don't 
like", i would be in his position, i wouldn't know what to do. 

I can start an ubuntu artwork guide document, but as i don't grasp all the 
reasoning behind the current look, i might alter it. But as showing done work 
is better than talk, i'll start such a document tonight and ask for review. 

Maybe you have better advices ?

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