Étienne Bersac wrote:

 I'm wondering if it's such a good idea to use
exactly the same symbol for the update icon as for the restart icon.
Especially when both appear besides each other it looks a bit like "we
couldn't think of anything else". :-)
You're right. Maybe a up-arrow should fit the idea of upgrade/update ?

I think using double arrows for both is fine as long as the icons are quite different. Currently we have a red disc with white arrows on it for update and two purple arrows floating in space for restart. Having a related shape is good because user will associate these two events as part of the same process to an extent.

The colour difference is a useful cue for most people and the difference in silhouette is useful for colour blind people. The red is quite edgy, saying 'Do the update now!' and the purple is more relaxed (and matches the one on the logout dialogue). I would suggest changing the restart one to green, but that might be just me.

 - Henrik


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