..on Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 02:32:52PM +0200, Frank Schoep wrote:
> Hi all,
> On Wednesday 12 April 2006 21:56, Viper550 wrote:
> > [... snip ...]
> > Wait a second, the splash screen actually looks better with the
> > weird filter...but it would have gone better with the older theme...
> > If that splash screen was a result of a contest, maybe we could
> > have a public contest for the Gimp splash screen for GIMP 2.2.10
> > Dapper Drake Edition, or I could easily design one myself that
> > would go good!     
> My sarcasm detector is slightly malfunctioning right now, so am I right when 
> I 
> say you support my suggestion? I'm relatively new to the Ubuntu Art list so I 
> don't know yet who the big decision makers are here. I distilled from 
> Julian's reply that he also thinks we could make a better splash for Dapper.
> What did you think about my proposal on reusing the current splash screen in 
> Breezy? I summed up some pros and cons in my previous mail, do they make 
> sense?
> I hope there's more people on this list who want to share their opinion on my 
> proposal, don't hesitate to jump in!

as i said, i like the proposal.

i should also say i'm not actively involved in ubuntu-art and so am not in 
with it's broader objectives, nor it's (tight) roadmap. i dropped into this 
list because 
i push Ubuntu in education, and teach FOSS digital-arts/game-development on the 
for this reason my opinions should be kept in context

i see what happens to students faces when the Gimp starts up. if kids say the 
Gimp looks 
crap and uninspiring then that's one less reason to have Ubuntu (or any free 
desktop) on 
class computers.


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