..on Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 08:07:05AM +0200, Petr Tome? wrote:
> >
> > The tangerine icons are SPECTACULAR: brilliant work. Please get them
> > into human as default!!!! They do a great job on toning down the bright
> > orange, and are very pretty and intuitive too.
> Hi all!
> I fully agree with this and I fully support the effort to get
> tangerine icons into Human as default. Many our users on
> forum.ubuntu.cz have very positive response to them because the are
> reasonable toned down and they better fit overall colour scheme and
> style.

i agree. they simply work better, especially on small scale. 
they are easier on the eye, cleaner/polished.

shame there's not more of them though! a few holes..


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