On Aug 2, 2006, at 6:39 PM, Peter Savage wrote:
> Ok, I've been playing around with this theme for the afternoon,  
> still not 100% happy with it, but wondered if this was a neat idea?
> Listen to it before continuing to read else it'll spoil it :p
> http://progbox.co.uk/ubuntu7-X-fade.mp3
> I've cross faded a Lo-Fi version into a Hi-Fi version.  It's just a  
> test but it works really well in my mind, and my thinking behind it  
> would be that as users are loading ubuntu, they are moving into an  
> environment that heightens their senses :p  Transitioning into a  
> better environment.  Opening their eyes :p

It kind of works, but wouldn't it be easier to use a bandpass filter  
instead of cross-fading different resolutions? This technique kind of  
reminds me of a lot of techno / trance tracks - "they're all the  
same" :-) - where a bandpass / highpass filter is used on the  
percussion to achieve a gradually intensifying sound.

Could you try using a band- or highpass filter? I'd also suggest  
maybe adding a bit of reverb or delay to the breathy choir to make  
the transitions between intervals a bit less noticeable, another way  
to solve it might be to have the notes overlap.

Thanks for taking the time to create sounds for Ubuntu, it's great to  
have you onboard.



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