Hello to all! first of all i would like to present myself, i'm new on UbuntuArt. I'm from spain (sorry, my english is quite 'strange') and I study computer science at the UIB (University of Balearic Islands). Ok, so here's my opinion about the sounds:

I really like Sample03. I find it very clear but in my opinion the sound in the end is quite high. Maybe a lower sound could be even better. Anyway I find it very fresh and clean. Great! Also the sound reminds me a lot to Vangelis Blade Runners OST, but is not so 'electronic' as Sample05, so it's great.

What I like about Sample04 is the lenght. Very short but beautiful, simple and effective.

Sample05 reminds me more a Jean Michelle Jarre song than a startup song. Maybe it's too 'electric'? but is a great work.

Sample08 is a great clip. More 'Human' or old school than others. Maybe mixing things of Sample03 and Sample08 could be perfect for ubuntu.

The rest of sound clips are great, and you have done a great job, really, but in my opinion they doesn't sound like a startup sound. But I want to emphasize that you are doing a great work, really.

My advices:

1.- A startup sound must be short, not too long.
2.- Include some 'ubuntu style' sounds like the drums in Sample08
3.- I find 'electric' sounds no inspiring or less 'positive'. The perfect balance is shown in Sample03.

Have a nice day!! Que tengan un buen día!
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