Jan, I'm resending this.  I meant to cc the group yesterday...

On Sat, 2006-09-09 at 21:57 +0200, Jan Claeys wrote:
> Op do, 07-09-2006 te 08:15 -0400, schreef Nathan Eckenrode:
> > There is some interesting work happening over here at 
> > http://kollabor8.toegristle.com/ I am not certain of the software
> > which is being used , but I think that this is the sort of idea that
> > you are looking for. 
> It seems like this site doesn't support "branches" (or "forks") ?
> Wouldn't that be needed?
> -- 
> Jan Claeys
Yeah,  I think Mark has some ideas that he'd like to see implemented
before it's considered optimal.  Kollabor8 just seems like a good
starting point.

Ideally it would be a cvs, svn, or bzr backend with an image gallery
interface and wiki style content management system.  

It's the backend where I see problems arising.  Since the image data is
entirely binary and not text based, there is probably no way to just
save changes like cvs would do.  Because of this the database is going
to grow large quickly and will ultimately slow down.  

Now it may not be realistic in the near term but if the tool could read
certain file formats we could get around some of this bloat.  Say it
understood xcf files... new versions of those files would be based on
the original xcf, with only information for missing layers and edited
layers uploaded.  Then we would be getting close to a true version
control system for images.  Over time, the system could be expanded to
understand and use many of the more open image formats.

That would be awesome.  Just think how popular cvs is...

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