Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Samstag, den 30.09.2006, 08:01 -0400 schrieb Viper550:
>>> We're past BETA already, it's too late to add anything else to main. 
>>> We've a very clear, published release schedule and you need to work 
>>> within that if you want bits on disk.
>>> Mark
>> Oh...hold it: What about the community themes? Tropic was one of those 
>> themes! Guess I've got a little decision to make: Switch it to a 
>> different engine, see if it can be included in Universe instead
> please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule
> (especially look out for the universe freeze)
> ciao
>       oli
Oh great...now I HAVE to port it to Ubuntulooks...don't leave all our 
hard work in the dust! Peace, Dash, Blubuntu, and Tropic had alot of 
good work put into them! Don't make it all for nothing!


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