On vr, 2007-02-09 at 19:44 +0200, Donn wrote:
> Hello out there, 
>  For some reason I found myself designing symbols to express the ideas in the 
> post asking for apport icons.

Your designs are beautiful.

Even if these designs are never used, you are showing that open source
software can be used to make very professional-quality artwork.

> I have never seen apport (besides some screenshots) and I use Kubuntu,

Actually, there is a Kubuntu frontend for apport in Feisty now

>  so I am 
> sure I will be way off-base in the style. I posted some to another thread in 
> this list, but I have done a few more so I thought I'd start a new post.
> I kept scaling in mind and used Inkscape's cool icon-view tool to watch what 
> was happening. They don't all scale very well, but it was about getting the 
> idea of "report" "inform" "bug" "error" across in a way that would not 
> exclude anyone. I don't purport to have achieved that, but I did stay away 
> from words and punctuation and things like that.
> I'll post the inkscape files to anyone who wants them should there be some 
> interest.
> The lighthouse idea was last, it's not very clever nor is it a visual pun, 
> but 
> it can mean "watching out for your safety", "Beware problem ahead". It stands 
> for safety and intervention in a situation where things are going wrong -- 
> well that was my line of thought anyway.

Personally, I like the "bugeye" (especially 'bugeye_orange') and
'bugred' (without background gradient) ideas.

(I like the bug+pencil+paper pictures too, but I think they are too
detailed to be used as small icons.)

Jan Claeys

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