just wanted to add that i think the Tango icon would, or does
 not work on a small size.
I also think the metaphor of the Tango icon is not optimal. I like the
"recycle-arrows", but i am afraid that some people could misinterprete
the "internet-metaphor" (globe to a cable) with something concerning
their internet connection. Something like "you are online" or some
internet-settings things..  
I have to say that i am used to the small orange "a new star is
born"-icon (good metaphor (?)). 
Maybe a combination of the "recycle-arrows" and the clear visible layout
of the current icon would be worth trying.


On Di, 2007-02-13 at 01:31 +0100, Kenneth Wimer wrote:
> Hi Étienne,
> My suggestion to change the icon would be to "humanize" a tango icon:
> http://tango.freedesktop.org/static/cvs/tango-icon-theme/scalable/apps/system-software-update.svg
> It seems like a decent metaphor although I am not sure how well it would work 
> at 16x16. That is the best thing about the current icon -it works well at 
> very small sizes.
> Bye,
> Ken
> On Monday 12 February 2007 23:54:16 Étienne Bersac wrote:
> > Hi Mark,
> >
> > I don't want agressive. The red hat example is far too annoying for my
> > taste. And may be very disturbing. (Especially in development release, i
> > sometimes let updates awaiting).
> >
> > The two points are :
> >
> >       * Icon is not consistent with panel icon. I just had an idea : a
> >         package with the "new" label like in "new directory". Or the
> >         same picto as in Add/Remove software + the "new" label. This
> >         will make sense and will be coherent with both panel icons and
> >         wide theme.
> >       * Icon does not clearly mean "update available". See : the
> >         prefered app capplet icon refer to boxed cdrom software even if
> >         about 99,9999 percent of softwares in the system are downloaded.
> >         The same way, the update icon should rely on a known relation
> >         between reality and concept. The idea i suggest above is quite
> >         good, altough, Ken might have better idea (or yourself !)
> >
> > Thanks Master :)
> >
> > Étienne.

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