On Tuesday 13 February 2007 14:41:43 Étienne Bersac wrote:
> Hi,
> I found a bug in usplash-theme-ubuntu 0.9 : the red circle is in a
> different tone than the red curve. You may forgot to redish the
> circle :)

Yes, I saw that today. I've changed things twice since then. Hopefully the 
last change will make it on the next Herd. If not, close your eyes the first 
time it boots and then update to the newest version ASAP :-)

> Also, i'm worrying about logo consistency. There is almost 5 variant of
> the logo :
>       * The gfxboot one
>       * The usplash one
>       * The gdm one
>       * The session splash one
>       * The main menu one
> We must definetly make all this logo consistent. What can you do ?

Well, everything except the gfxboot should not be a problem. Since the gfxboot 
only uses 16 colors we are so limited that it is simply impossible to use the 
exact same pic. We either need to go grey-scale or use a simple (non 3D) logo 
for this. I do not think it would be good to try to make a different 3D 
version to work with 16 colors as it would look too different to the rest of 

> Also, i really like the new wallpaper. It is so smooth, nice different.
> I event suggest to to touch the session splash to include new logo from
> usplash and smoothness of wallpaper.

I wanted to start working on the session splash this week and intended to use 
parts of the wallpaper for this.

> The same goes for gdm screen. I can help for gdm theme. I imagine a
> background for gdm that use strictly the same tones than wallpaper, but
> with a gradient adapted to the "content" of the gdm login (centered
> field, etc.). Do you get it ? :)

Exactly! Man, we think alike :-)

> Keep up the good work !
> Étienne.

Thanks, I'll try :-)


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