Totally agree,
  communication is ...perfectible - need to get a better interaction.

nothlit wrote:
> I suggest, that part of item two:
> 2) the process for contributions and a more accessible method to contribute
> A Gallery system should be implemented (technical resources allowing)
> for dedicated image submission, be it mockups, screenshots of themes,
> etc. This would be far easier and cleaner to group an or artists work,
> or a set of images following a theme together. Also, this would
> alleviate the mass loading of images or the need to create thumbnails
> and figure out the wiki system. This would allow for more structured
> commenting and editing of works.
> This would entail that the wiki would stop being used as a place to
> place images, but left for writing guidelines and placing examples,
> and written ideas.
> I believe that this could potentially make a one easy place for anyone
> to find, and see progress. Work would be done on mailing lists, irc
> and the wiki of course, but it simplifies the image process. While
> also giving the community a place to focus, and without all the "work
> clutter" that would come from monitoring systems currently in place.
> Thanks for your time, nothlit.

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