I've read before about the poor accessibility of light text on dark
background so I'm not really sure it's a good choice for a default theme. I,
personally, think it looks cool and trendy but that doesn't make it a good
decision for a default setting on a product with such a wide release.

As far as Aurora goes, it looks nice but if it's a resource hog then it too
shouldn't be a default. If it's a resource hog then you have to ask
yourself, "Why is it hogging resources? Is it calling a lot of different
modules or something?" I guess what I'm trying to say is that with more
bloat comes more bugs.

On my system I use Murrine. It's pretty fast and pretty nice looking and my
laptop has yet to catch on fire.

On 11/2/07, xl cheese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I read somewhere on the internetS that the Aurora engine was a resource
> hog compared to clearlooks?  Perhaps we want to look into that before we
> burn time on aurora engine?
>  ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 23:34:18 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] Hardy GTK Theme
> Aurora looks good in lighter colors as well, but it may come off as too
> glossy. Dark themes do have their problems too. I do hate it when all my
> text boxes in webpages use a dark theme when the page design expected them
> to be white. Here is a pic of Aurora in lighter colors, but keeping with the
> Orange:
> I really like use of orange on the buttons and the tabs in this theme. If
> we were to go with a light theme still, I think I may rather prefer the
> HumanFancyCandy, based on the murrina engine.
> I'm a sucker for that menu bar texture, and the glossiness in this theme
> seems really subdued by the fact that the theme doesn't use rounded corners,
> and gradients in the toolbars.
> Maybe a light aurora theme with dark rubberized grips would be the way to
> go. Especially if we can get rid of the glossy gradient toolbars. I'm
> totally new to theming GTK but it is something I want to learn, and will be
> using these as a base to learn from. I do hope to make something that'll be,
> at least, in the running for default hardy theme.
> Oh and Steven, the Dock is the Avant Window Navigator. It's in the gutsy
> repos and here on launchpad:
> Corey
> On 11/1/07, *Dylan McCall* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That screenshot with Aurora is definitely nice, Corey (I was looking for
> that one, actually!). I particular like the slightly darker handle widgets.
> Something about dark themes strikes me as uncommon and maybe a bit of a
> niche, though. I could be mistaken, but lighter colours seem to me to give
> natural reading, with a more paper-like feel. With that in mind, the very
> orange orange that we use at the moment would feel much more natural with a
> lighter, browner colour. Yes, I just suggested brown. Light brown, mind;
> there's a very particular colour I am thinking...
> Darker elements could be an interesting thing to ponder, though. I am not
> sure where they would fit, but some variety could help to give other widgets
> more prominence.
> The darker colours bring out images, definitely, and I think that's where
> they fit in well. That is why it works really well in Ubuntu Studio, and why
> I was playing with dark themes while toying with F-Spot, then back to a
> light theme as soon as I started doing my usual stuff. Worth considering
> that IDEs tend to have white backgrounds, and so do text editors. That
> reflects my own experiences quite well: it is definitely easier to see black
> on white than tiny white writing on black (or dark grey).
> I am willing to bet that the majority of users do texty stuff as opposed
> to graphical, artistic stuff. (Which is why we have Ubuntu Studio for the
> others!)
> Another thing I have against black / orange was also something that
> bothered me with OpenMoko's earlier interface. (You will notice at this
> point, with the 2007.2 interface, that it has a prevalence of white in the
> main interface details, with dark colours just on the edges. Very
> attractive). Orange is a harsh colour, and one which begs for attention
> against a dark background like that. However, in this case and the case of
> OpenMoko's earlier interface, it becomes a regular colour! The only
> particularly intense colours we have left are white (used for text, maybe
> artsy icons) and varying shades of red. Orange is pretty red already, so
> red's prominence is not going to be very prominent; it blends in with the
> rest, feeling more normal. As well as being a potential issue with
> immediately recognizing UI elements, it also means less variety in the
> theme. Most of these colours are dwarfed by the dark backgrounds, so they
> have less impact and less meaning.
> Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit (a lot), orange isn't overused or anything.
> However, there is method to my madness: A black background requires harsh
> colours to stand out against, whereas a white one is gentle, leaving more
> room for the other colours. The grey background is a neat in-between zone,
> but as we've seen (*cough*Windows95), lighter greys look very bad in large
> quantities.
> Still, I like the darker handles in your screenshot. Feels like
> high-friction rubber pads, which is quite intuitive. A good reflection of
> what the widget means...
> Bye,
> -Dylan McCall
>  On 11/1/07, *Corey Woodworth* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think a dark theme with orange highlights would be a great new direction
> to go in. A dark theme is working out great for Ubuntu studio. If we do
> decide to go that route, I think we should definitely consider the Aurora
> GTK engine. It looks great with dark color schemes, and is currently the
> highest rated GTK engine on  . I whipped up a quick
> screenshot of aurora-looks with colors from the proposed Hardy palette here:
> Here is my screenshot:
> It certainly still needs some work, but I'd be willing to pursue it if
> there is interest.
> Corey
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