On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 4:43 AM, Yann Dìnendal
> Hi,
> I thought it was said during the Hardy process that the Intrepid theme would
> be worked on from Hardy to Intrepid (as Hardy theme has not changed a
> lot)... So why don't we continue the work instead of forgetting everything
> that has be done every 6 months ? There have been some wonderful mockups
> proposed, we should work on them !
>  Some good concepts :
> Gelatin
> Dark mockup
> Günther Beyer's work : here and here
>  Too human
> 2D panel icons : this thread and this one (where are the "2D icons in
> launchpad" ?)
> BasicIdeals !
> Union !!
>  What do you think ?

(my theories, not necessarily facts)

If a dark theme is going to be used in Intrepid or i+1 then it needs
to go into the dev version soon along with instructions on how to file
bug reports against software that breaks with a dark theme.

Kind of like the switch from bash to dash as /bin/sh. Theoretically
speaking, it's very possible that a dark theme could go into intrepid
for a significant portion of the dev cycle and then be pulled as beta
approaches and then re-instated for i+1 where it continues to mature
before being able to go live. I think a dark theme will reveal a lot
of broken programs and the solutions will not be as trivial to fix as
with dash.

Ftr, I think Günther's work[1]  with the 2d flat icons has a lot of
promise, but as who stated, it is a very ambitious plan for a single
release cycle. Still, if something was avail (even in rough form) by
alpha 1 or alpha 2 it would generate a lot of useful bug reports.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode

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