В 16:27 +0200 на 05.05.2008 (пн), François Degrave написа:

> Just an idea: do 
> you think it would be possible to put a shadow only under the active 
> window? That would make it really different from the others, "on top" of 
> everything (like when you pick a paper among a big bunch of papers on 
> your desk, and lift it up to read it).

I think that at the moment Emerald does not support shadows separation
for active/inactive windows but as pretty much everything else is
separated I think we can ask the devs to implement it if possible.

> I don't like the color for the selected element in the menu - a lil' too 
> pink for me - but I don't have any other idea yet...

I don't like it too :) I'm trying to get the main menu style of grey
highlight in the menubar and coloured menus but so far with no success.

> Also, I find the top bar merged with the menubar on inactive windows 
> quite classy. Do you think we could give it a try for active windows? 

Yes. Working on it.

> And then we could try making inactive windows as "neutral" as possible 
> -- i.e. like they didn't have any volume -- with the menubar, the topbar 
> and the rest of the window all attached together with the same color (a 
> bit like on the mockup I made, but with the menubar in addition). 

That will be harder, because when the menu is drawn in only one way in
gtk+ so there is no separation between avtive/inactive windows.
> To go into details, it could also be nice to make the thin line around 
> inactive windows a little less black, more gray.


В 20:19 +0530 на 05.05.2008 (пн), Bharat Varma написа: 

> Would having a flat title bar help ? In my mind, I was thinking a
> gilouche sort of a title bar with very minor rounded corners in the
> exact color as the emerald decorator is right now for the active
> windows. Or may a black to gray gradient shift (top to bottom
> direction) instead of the existing gray to black. That would bring the
> colors of the active title bar closer to the menu bar, retaining the
> differentiation between menu and title bars at the same time.

Good idea! Coming soon :)

> I also prefer the panel bar from the first screenshot. I prefer the
> presence of a thin black strip at the bottom of the top panel (or may
> be it was just shadow).

The panel in the first version has 1px more from the left and right
(x/y) and thus bigger shadow. I prefer it bigger too but as most of the
PCs are laptops with small screens we should make it small. After all it
easy to change so don't worry about this.

Best regards,

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