..on or around Mon, May 05, 2008 at 03:41:55PM +0300, Anton Kerezov said:
> Hello everyone,
> I've made a newer version of New Wave that has darker taskbar and window
> handlers. I've also added a small gradient for the menubars so that they
> look as if they are in the back. Also changed border thickness and color
> esp. for ???François. To be honest I liked better the old one.
> old:
> ???http://img180.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=33720_NewWave_test_02_122_484lo.jpg
> new:
> http://img28.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=88676_NewWave_test_03_122_1054lo.jpg

is it possible to make the tab that appears in the file menu in that the
same colour as the background of the drop-down menu itself? this would
look quite good i think. if not, then perhaps it'd be best to use the
colours in the mockup itself rather than the pinkish colour you've

secondly, i think it would be better to have the title visible in inactive
windows instead of the minimise/maximise icons themselves. 
the reason for this is that the name of an inactive window is far more
useful than the icons for minimise/maximise. the window needs to become
active for these icons to be useful anyway..

what do you think?

> > ???2. Why fg/bg[ACTIVE] doesn't work for the menubar? Is it the engine's
> > fault?
> > 
> I mean ... can I color the File menu element on the titlebar in gray
> just like the main menu? I think Who can help?

oh, maybe we're speaking about the same thing here.

> What version of the theme do you like more? The darker with thinner
> borders or the greyish with bigger borders?

i far prefer the thinner borders.

finally, is it possible to give the panel a gradient as seen in the new
wave theme? i suppose this question has been answered many times

julian oliver
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