On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Thorsten Wilms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-05-01 at 17:50 +0200, Nicolas Deschildre wrote:
>  The weather was so damn good and diggers know what else I have been busy
>  with ;)

Due to exceptionally good weather these last days, I guess we can
forecast a slowdown in FOSS contribution for everyone :)

>  > POST: I like the idea bulb, as it's part of the logo :) Maybe a
>  > combinaison of the bulb and a letter (3rd sketch put on top on the
>  > first sketch)?
>  I'm slightly concerned the doubling of the bulb in logo and icon might
>  become overbearing, but made a few variants.

Arg. Difficult choice, I like them all four :)
I'll pick the second one, because of the letter (post symbol) and of
higher area for the idea bulb.

>  > VOTE: To link with the current UI, I think the fourth sketch is the
>  > best! You can reuse the existing arrows, if you want (unfortunately I
>  > don't think I have the source... I may look and ask, if you want)
>  The original might come handy.

I'll ask around for them.

>  > DISCUSS: The second sketch is a common symbol for discussion!
>  > SEE: An hard one! A good symbol is not obvious. Shall we try with the 
> fifth one?
>  Didn't feel comfortable with that guy, so I looked in the other
>  direction: something to see that implies work is going on.

Yes indeed the meaning of the gears symbol is more obvious than the
one of our friend Bob (?) !

>  > PARTICIPATE: I like the first sketch! It's a good use of one of the
>  > Ubuntu symbols!
>  If the trademark police doesn't step in ... so I added another option.

As discussed on IRC, I'll let you know as soon as I have the answer
from the trademarks people.

>  http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/05/11/ubuntu-brainstorm-help-2/

Thanks for your (art)work,


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