On Thursday 04 September 2008 16:59:59 Cory K. wrote:
> So while the general idea is to combine Human and Oxygen what other
> things should we add? The finer details.
> Just my thoughts:
> -Aesthetic
>     * Outline around icons smaller than X? Are outlines even needed?

The small oxygen icons do have a slight outline, but not as prominent as Tango

>     * Palette? Where's the Human one?

There is no official Human palette but somewhere the is one with some picked 
colors. We could do better than that though.

> -Technical
>     * All source icons will be in .SVG form created at the size they are
>       meant to be used.
>     * Sizes = 16px, 22px, 24px, 32px, 48px and scalable.
>     * 16-48px will be rendered in the built package with .svg used for
>       anything larger.
> I'm sure there's lots more to consider. Just getting the ball rolling.
> Ill post these again for some good thoughts.
>     * http://psdtuts.com/articles/7-principles-of-effective-icon-design
>     *
> http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/04/04/mac-os-x-leopard-designers-guide
> -Cory K.

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