> > So our uber-artist Sebastian has some new additions.
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Submissions
> >
> > Thoughts? -Cory K.
> >
> >
> > I like both the new accessories-text-editor and tomboy ! They look
> > very realistic.
> >
> > About accessories-text-editor: is it the icon for GEdit? If so, I
> > think it could be nice to enhance the "coding" aspect. I mean, I
> > don't think anybody use it to write crap, like a real-life notepad,
> >  but we use it more for it's syntax highlighter, to code. This is
> > just an idea, but maybe we could look more in this metaphor,
> > instead of the current "notepad with a pen" one, what do you think?
> >
> >
> > The tomboy icon is great, but how would it resize? It is often
> > displayed in smaller sizes.
> >
> > Yann Dìnendal
> Very interesting point about the GEdit icon. Do you have any
> suggestions about how to represent "composition" with an icon that
> wouldn't easily be confused with, say, Activity Monitor or Terminal or
> some IDE?
> Re: tomboy, I think the graphical part will look splendid at any
> resolution, but the "Hello World" is far more appropriate for
> something like a GEdit icon, as per Yann's suggestion, no? Perhaps
> something like "get milk!" would be more fun, and visible (or legible)
> only at higher resolutions.
> Conor Schaefer

Great idea, about the "Hello World!" in GEdit, and "get milk!" in Tomboy! :)

About GEdit, it is indeed more difficult to represent a software interface
than a real-life notepad...
So maybe a line-numbering on the left and a "Hello World" on the first line
could do it? I don't know about the pen, I don't think we could replace it
with a menubar on the top, it would not look nice.
So what do you think? I think that just the line numbering and a simple
Hello World would be simple enough not to distract to much a non-developer
user. We should not put the Hello World in a programing exemple, thought!
And it would be a nice thing for developer users.

Yann Dìnendal
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