2009/3/29 Kenneth Wimer <kw...@ubuntu.com>:
>> I went ahead and updated my personal branch of community-themes to
>> remove Dust and New Wave and add Impression. What about Kin, do we
>> still want it? Are there any other themes that should be added? Should
>> I ask for this to be uploaded?
> Adding Impression and shiki-colors, when possible, is what the community
> seems to want, judging by the emails we received. I wondered about Kin
> myself...not sure what to do here. In the end, I'd like to see the community
> help lead on this package (or perhaps we should change the name :p)


>> Who makes these decisions? The community? If so, how? You?
> So far, I am the voice of Canonical on this list as well as one of the main
> people trying to keep things going in one direction. The idea is to work
> with the community and enable them to be productive - whether that is on the
> default artwork for Ubuntu or on other projects. At this point, it is
> probably easier for me to get packages/changes included in Jaunty though :)

Heh... I suppose those were meant more as rhetorical questions that we
all should be thinking about.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I'd like to hear some opinions
from the community about the goals and processes for the
community-themes package. With Jaunty almost out the door, I'd like to
start the community planning for Karmic. So I'm trying to instigate a
little discussion.

If no one else comes up with something. I'll try to propose something
a bit more concrete after Jaunty's release, but in general my ideas

1. Define some guidelines for inclusion in the package. Possibly
something as simple as being proposed on this list, shared on the
wiki, ect... Essentially, not just a cool but random theme from
GNOME-Look, but something actually from _this_ community.
2. Set a deadline before Feature Freeze for themes to be submitted.
Updates/fixes to the included these of course continue after being
3. Define a decision making process. Possibly using the voting feature
on Launchpad for the Ubuntu Artwork Team?
4. Set a date for the new themes to be uploaded. Feature Freeze?
Artwork Deadline?

Comments? Ideas?

>> My branch can be found here:
>> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~andrewsomething/community-themes/community
>> Hope that helps. It would be a shame for nothing to happen to the
>> package...
> I'll check it out and get back to you...Sunday here, family time!

Have a great and relaxing Sunday! Thanks for your work on this.

- Andrew

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