Andrew wrote:
> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Cory K. <> wrote:
>> Cory K. wrote:
>> Can anyone work out an approximate % of completed icons vs. the
>> FreeDesktop spec?
> I just did a quick look, and I'm getting 42.8%
> There might be a better way to do it. But here's how I did, just in
> case it points out a flaw in my numbers:
> I used the list here:
> It lists 285 names by my count. (Not including all the different
> versions implied by things like flag-aa.)
> Then I did a "grep -r "docname=" * >breathe" in
> breathe-icon-set/Breathe/scalable
> The output was 122 lines long. 122/285=0.428070175

This is great. I'd like to get some more opinions/tests so we can form a

-Cory K.

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