On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 11:19 PM, mac_v <drkv...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 15:37 -0600, Jonathan Blackhall wrote:
>> So I got to thinking about the boot experience today and I was
>> wondering if anyone had any comments on this.
>> First, I think a successful default booting sequence should have 3
>> characteristics that are currently not implemented.  1. GRUB2 menu be
>> hidden on all machines by default and the usplash image load
>> immediately and have it include a small message saying "Press Esc for
>> more boot options" or something to load the GRUB2 menu.  2.The
>> transition between usplash and xsplash should be smooth.  3. The
>> startup sounds would be refreshed and shortened.  Possibly 4. Make
>> sure the transition between xsplash - log in screen - xsplash again is
>> smooth as well.
>> You know what would be a really excellent way to mash-up all this boot
>> stuff?  Take the current usplash (just a white Ubuntu logo on a black
>> background) and make the logo "explode" into MadsRH's Swarm animation
>> (or a Humanized version) while having the rest of the xsplash elements
>> (background gradient and Ubuntu name) fade in.  For me, it would
>> really make this whole boot sequence more integrated and slick.
>> What I think would be a cool boot experience:
>> -usplash Ubuntu logo appears with message saying "Press Esc for more
>> boot options", message disappears after 3 sec, leaving Ubuntu logo
>> -xsplash starts as same logo as usplash (no transition apparent to
>> user), background gradient fades in, Ubuntu logo "explodes" into Swarm
>> animation, the word "Ubuntu" appears above the Swarm
>> -if your Log In screen enabled, transition to it (perhaps have the
>> Swarm re-form an Ubuntu logo next to the word "Ubuntu"??) and have the
>> remaining Log In stuff appear
>> -Some other quick animation between Log In and a fully loaded desktop
>> (maybe?), play a 1-2 sec subtle (unobtrusive) startup sound
>> -All of that in 20 sec or less on a "normal" laptop without an SSD
>> Do you think that type of boot experience is possible?  Is it
>> desirable?  What would you change?
>> Of course this is all just fantasy, but I'm curious what people think
>> would be a desirable boot experience.  Do you have hope that your
>> expectations will be met in Lucid?
>> Cheers,
>> J
> -1
> MadsRH had other good ideas , but swarm wasnt the best one.
> The swarm is too reminiscent of the windows7 orbs and also the swarm
> just seems too aimless. they are not arising from some place nor are
> they leading some where.
> --
> Cheers,
> mac_v

I like the idea of something like swarm, but as fireflies in a grassy
field, and a new firefly would pop up once a new proc has been


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