On Fri, 2011-02-18 at 08:44 -0500, Saleel Velankar wrote:
> I asked for critique on a wallpaper idea I was playing with, and other
> than yourself I got 0 feedback. Again what is the point? I could have
> --no I should have just asked for your opinion over IRC. It would have
> been a heck of a lot quicker.

How would you suggest we increase critique on this list?

A while ago, I had suggested that we make sure that the team here is
notified about submissions and that we discuss, which had people for and
against and it ended in a draw.

Look at the Ubuntu CD cover discussion, the only reason there is an
"art/design" discussion was because the original author showcased his
work here. and he modified his work accordingly. 
Without similar announcements I'm not sure how art discussions will
happen here.

Anyone got any ideas how to improve this?


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