I guess we got off the initial topic.

We first need to identify the issue to fix the situation.
> We need to state clearly what our problem is, before we seek advice from
> Jono/Ivanka.

I think we need to generalize the facts and go from particular cases to more
general issues. Let's recall the annoying cases first: Natty wallpaper
specification war-of-edits intertwined with Flick group duplication (links:
1 <http://old.nabble.com/Alternate-Natty-Wallpaper-Proposal-to30439297.html>,
3 <http://old.nabble.com/Personal-Appeal-for-Change-to30454155.html>,
probably more), conflict
about the way to list
got pissed off and the page got abandoned). It's obviously not a
problem of one person (as some people seem to be trying to present it)
because different people were involved in the cases listed above. The
problem #1 as I see it: lack of decision-making process. And *people messing
up the official wiki without discussing the changes first* as a consequence.
As a former wiki admin, I do know a solution. But I don't want to propose it
because we don't have a decision-making process and therefore we won't be
able to accept or decline it (recursive issue, lol). That's why I want
somebody with experience and authority to come and establish the rule.

Actually, I think we need more than that. We need a clear process for
writing specifications, with Canonical Design Team involved. It will prevent
cases like duplication of places to submit entries (like it happened with
Natty wallpapers flickr group) and questionable specification details (like
it happened with Natty alternate wallpapers proposal). Incomplete and
proposal specifications must be in a separate place, not on the main board,
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