On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 15:39 +0100, rAX wrote:
> Hi, My name is Reda Lazri or better known as 0rAX0 in the community.

> The icons' style appears to be drawn by multiple people (two?)

Yup, you guessed it right! :-)
There are two styles used there, smilies and pictograms.
The pictograms were commissioned , while the smilies were done by an
in-house Canonical design team member.

Pictograms are supposed to be used to represent a word or an idea.
While the smilies are for, you know.. ;)

> This is because the one on the right 'Local Contacts' looks more
> polished, has an old african style, consistent with Ubuntu's naming
> origins.

I only did that one pictogram. Since I had started that page, i dint
want to leave it image-less and I tried to keep it consistent with the
pictogram style. 

>  while the other ones are just plain "smilies", 

Another member had included those icons, and afaik they were just meant
as place holders.

I had intended to work on those headers too and send the full set for
review and inclusion into the main pictogram set, but dint find time.. 
Feel free to complete them. :)

I had earlier worked with Dominic Edmunds, who was at that time in the
design team, for a different set of pictograms and the design team were
interested in adding more pictograms, to the main set, that the
community requires. 
Since some of the pictogram requirements may be common among different
teams, if its in the main set it could be used consistently across all
Ubuntu sites.
> Finally, I know this maybe is a work-in-progress, so I'm suggesting
> some sketches that I'm going to deliver them as SVGs as well when
> they're ready (sorry for the quality).

I like what you have started here.

Before completing them, you could also send your sketches to Marcus
Haslam, the brand lead. He may have some concerns/critique and once he
is satisfied with the sketches/ideas maybe you could work on finishing
it. :)


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