On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 00:36 +0000, Blindraven wrote:
> Wow, Allowing M$ business and tech to be at a FLOSS event because you
> are trying to be open minded and accepting.
> I wonder if thats what Hitlers wife had to do.
> If this is not selling out I don't know what is. 
> Feel free to flame while I feel free to /ignore.
> Count me out.

A couple of things:

Firstly, Godwins law not withstanding, MS is by no means comparable to
the Nazi's. To attempt to do so belittles the horror that was the Nazi
regime and only displays your ignorance.

Secondly, there is an old saying "Keep your friends close, and your
enemies closer". Do you honestly think this is going to be some SLUG/MS
love in? That those who attend aren't going to be asking pointed
questions about things such as the crap fest that was the OOXML process?
Or about the so blatantly FUD force that is the MS claims of patent
infringement? If you do, then mate, you are dreaming.
James Purser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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