On Sun, 13 Jan 2008, Jiri Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In addition, if the speakers are taking questions directly from the floor,
> they are effectively the moderator of the discussion and thereby in
> control. This seems to be common at LUG meetings and works reasonably well
> for the kinds of talks we usually have. It is not suitable for this one.

We will have a community member as moderator. Unless someone better 
volunteers, that person will be myself.

"... we don't believe that "security by obfuscation" is really security. By 
that I mean if you have a security hole and you "hope" someone doesn't find 
it because it's difficult to find, you're in trouble. They'll find it."
        - Shawn Burke, development manager,
                Microsoft Windows Forms team, 2005-02-04

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