On Sun, 2008-01-20 at 16:23 +1100, Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 11:54:54 +1100
> Scott Sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > All it does is change the default DNS Servers.. This surely is much easier
> > to do with NetworkManager, then to go to the extents of installing bind ..
> Unless you stop your router's dhcp from overwriting
> (actually *replacing*)  /etc/resolv.conf, it will revert. One hack is to
> add a script that stops it -see:

Orrr, you could give your machine a static ip and be done with it.
Static IP plus custom /etc/resolv.conf seems to be the easiest way to
handle this. Unless of course bigpond is capturing all dns queries on
its networks and routing them to it's own DNS servers, in which case
nothing is going to help.
James Purser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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