On 23/01/2008, at 7:56 PM, Junin Toiro wrote:

> Hi there peoples,
> I'm just wondering if anyone can offer personal experience with  
> using ipods with Gutsy. I did a little research a while ago on the  
> subject but never found anything I was entirely happy with in regard  
> to completely replacing iTunes as far as functionality goes with the  
> ipod.
> I'd appreciate it if anyone could offer their opinions on the  
> matter. I'm essentially looking for something that can handle music,  
> video, podcasts the whole shebang. So far I've not been able to find  
> one app that can do the lot, rather 3-4 apps together which can get  
> a tad tedious.
> Also, if anyone knows of a reliable app that can convert to ipod  
> video I'd be interested in that to. I find myself resorting to  
> Windows far to much.

You may be interested in taking a look at Banshee 
), it's a GTK music management application similar to iTunes. More  
importantly, it supports iPod interoperability. Alternatively, Exaile 
) is another GTK application that may facilitate your requirements.

What model iPod do you have? You could even take a look at an  
alternative firmware to replace the default Apple firmware comletely.  
There's an open source project known as Rockbox (http:// 
www.rockbox.org/) which strives to provide an alternative firmware for  
various digital music players. I personally use it on my iPod Nano and  
find it fanastic (It's not without its flaws). The biggest advantage  
is that it doesn't require any one single application to copy and play  
music. Furthermore, it supports Ogg Vorbis and FLAC.


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