is anybody else having trouble getting the downloads to work for Hardy?

On 25/04/2008, peter baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey guys
> I'm now shipping Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" via the "order cd's" tab of
> I'm in process of getting this page changed to promote this (currently says
> ver 7.10)
> email me offlist if you're having hassles with this website.  its been a
> bit flakey this morning.
> Please note these cds will be homeburnt copies.  I hope to have the factory
> shipped copies as soon as they are available, but it takes a while to get
> them from the good folks at canonical.
> if you're in melbourne and want to get your hands on the heron this weekend
> email me offlist.  I will leave some copies in secret locations in the
> city.  simply leave $1 where you find the disc.  its the great melbourne
> heron hunt....
> peter
> --
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
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