On Mon, 2009-03-30 at 18:24 -0700, daniel sobey wrote:
> When thinking about backups you need to ask yourself what you are protecting 
> against.
> Do you want to protect yourself against a hard drive failure?
> Though not a backup raid mirroring can help reduce the effects of this.
> you could do a copy of all the data on one disk to another disk in the same 
> machine.
> do you want to protect against theft or fire?
> You can rsync your files to a remote machine.
> you can backup to a tape or an external hard drive and leave a copy at home, 
> at your parents house etc.
> do you have databases?
> you will need to run a database tool to create a backup or do an export of 
> the tables first. an os copy of the data files would not work as the  
> database may be writing the file during the copy and you would get an 
> inconsistent copy.
> do you need protection against file corruption?
> some backup methods only keep one version of the file, if you make a mistake 
> and create a bad version of the file you may not have a copy to go back to so 
> make multiple backups or use a system that supports versioning.
> how frequent do you need to back up? what type of machine is it?
> I would probably have 2 types of backups, a full system backup and a backup 
> of some of the things that frequently changes.
> The full backup would just start on your / and move forward. some advanced 
> systems will do a lvm snapshot to ensure you get a consistant backup from the 
> time the snapshot was taken. I would do this atleast once a week, maybe daily 
> maybe once a month it depends on your needs.
> For the daily frequent backup i would backup just the important information 
> to you. It may just be your home directory for your pc maybe your /etc as 
> well. if you run a web server bakup your /var/www, if you have a database, do 
> an export and backup the backup files.
> I have a vm at work, i do a daily tar backup of my /home and a weekly tar on 
> my /.
> if you are working on a project a versioning system would be a good idea to 
> keep track of changes and allow you to go back to a previous change.
> here is my script: 
> #!/bin/bash
> BACKUPDIR=/media/cifs/dns/backups
> BACKUPFILE=$BACKUPDIR/ubuntu-full-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.gz
> LOGFILE=$BACKUPDIR/ubuntu-full-`date +%Y%m%d`.log
> dpkg --get-selections >/home/dns/installed-packages
> echo "beginning backup at `date`" >$LOGFILE
> tar --exclude=media/* --exclude=proc/* --exclude=storage/* --exclude=dev/* 
> --exclude=sys/  --exclude=lost+found/*  --exclude=mnt/* -czvf $BACKUPFILE / 
> >> $LOGFILE 2> /dev/null
> echo "finished backup at `date`" >> $LOGFILE

Thank you Daniel,

I will quietly work my way through logic and decide, indeed, what it is
I ultimately want to accomplish.

Script frightens me a little but, I guess I will have to quietly (again)
go through it to understand what the commands are doing - before I copy

I appreciate the fulsome help and advice you have provided.  I'll let
you know how I go in the end.


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