Paul Gear wrote:
> GWmbox wrote:
>> Hi all
>> New member and new ubuntu user.  I'm about a 95% user of ubuntu as I 
>> still need windows for a few things - that will hopefully change soon :)
> You could start by telling us what you still need Windows for, and maybe
> we can help you work out that part!  :-)  My wife & i just recently got
> rid of the one thing we needed Windows for on her computer: MS Money. 
> We switched to GnuCash, and it's much easier to get to now - no waiting
> for 5 minutes while Windows boots up in VMware.
Quickbooks is what we use here, I may still use it via wine if that 
works I have not tried it.  Quickbooks us good for us as we can link it 
direct with the accountants systems at tax time.  I have tried GnuCash 
and hence I am using quickbooks for a reason - imho it is better :)

I am also after a good video editing solution that I can use to get HD 
video from my camcorder and then edit.  I have been using Adobe Premier 
and Encore - though they are causing me more grief than help lately :)

The final piece to my puzzle is a good css editor, something like 
TopStyle, I have been trying lots of linux solutions such as cssed but 
so far nothing even comes close to TopStyle.
>> I note on the Google group site that the group appears to have little 
>> activity?  Why?  Anything I can help with and why mailing list and not a 
>> forum?
> The simple answer there is that for the most part mailing lists are a
> lot easier to manage.
Fair enough, I just thought I'd ask ... though the inactivity was 
something I thought was strange though... I am also a member of the main 
ubuntu forums but liked the idea of having a more local group.
>> Hope to chat with you guys more soon :)
> Great to have you with us!  Remember the Ubuntu philosophy - humanity to
> others.
yes totally agree and by all means pull me up if I come across a tad 
blunt - I tend to be that way - i.e. I will call a spade a spade.  If 
your ever after an honest opinion I'm your man :)
> Paul
> P.S. It might make it a little friendlier when you give us a name to
> call you... ;-)
Greg :)

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