Rob Farquhar wrote:
> Hi all! Just a quick message to let you know that I successfully 
> reformatted my root partition and installed 9.04. So far it seems to 
> have recognised my home folders without any trouble. Thanks everyone for 
> your help and suggestions!
> As for my friend Dave's PC, it looks as though his XP installation has 
> finally given up the ghost. It was already riddled with quite a few 
> viruses, including Koobface; I've backed his vital data up to an 
> external hard drive and am planning to reformat his internal HDD and 
> install Ubuntu Studio 9.04.
> One question, though: We've discussed him buying a legit version of XP 
> Home so he can still run Windows apps and play games like Diablo. Would 
> there be any issues with installing XP after Ubuntu instead of before?
> Cheers,
> Rob Farquhar
It is advisable to have windows installed 1st as Ubuntu will write a 
boot manager in the master boot record for all operating systems. 
Windows will blow it away & only allow access to Windows & nothing else. 
You can recreate the grub menu but it is a long winded process .

Cheers Cary

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