Exactly Dale - it seems I don't have Network manager installed. I
installed from the CD so whatever is on there is the one I am running.
Thank you.

On 27 Sep, 18:17, Dale <quail.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/9/27 dopey dora <jessiesco...@optusnet.com.au>:
> > I have followed all the tips I have found posted - thank you for the
> > excellent work done by all - learnt so much - have installed Ubuntu &
> > been in & done the Thunderbird thing for the emails, ethernet adapter
> > wireless network connection info  & settings - tried to run nm-applet
> > but get it into the panel system tray, can't find it or network
> > manager info in search - spent hours reading all I can find -so
> > frustrating - can someone take pity please and tell me what else I
> > need to do?
> Hi,
> I am little confused, what is the problem you having exactly?  To me
> it sounds like you don't have Network manager installed if you can't
> find it, as it should show up on the panel.
> Are you running Gnome or KDE desktop environment?  The more info you
> can supply the better for us to help you :-)
> Regards
> Dale
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