> I have just joined Ubuntu Au 'cause I am looking for a group to help
> me learn how to use Ubuntu. I live in Toowoomba and hope that there is
> a group here that could help me.

Hi Dave,

Welcome :)

I'm from Adelaide so I'm not much use to you regarding groups in
Toowoomba, but I'm sure you'll find the online community more than

I guess my advice to anyone dabbling with Ubuntu, is that you should
just dive in and get your hands dirty!

I certainly don't mean to go messing with system files and breaking
things, but rather just install Ubuntu, set up your browser and mail
software (not Incredimail ... eeew!), set up your instant messenger of
choice (Pidgin or Empathy for MSN/Yahoo, or you can download Skype from
www.skype.com), jump into Rhythmbox to play some music, and generally
just mess around.

The biggest hurdle I found when first starting in '06 was trying to
avoid the temptation to use Windows for common tasks. Eg burning a CD,
just go use Nero in Windows rather than looking for which Ubuntu program
would do the job. These days I have a quick look, get the program and
sort myself out from there and I really haven't found too much that I
can't do in Ubuntu the same or better than I could do in Windows.

I certainly have less system hassles, that's for sure.

Any advice you need just go to www.ubuntuforums.org and do a search -
99% sure someone else has probably asked the same question. If you can't
find the answer easily, you can search the forums or post here and
you'll find help is readily available.

Oh, one more thing ... remember, it's not "how do I learn Ubuntu", but
rather "how do I learn how to do XXX in Ubuntu".... you have to think of
something you want to achieve, then set out and do it!

Good luck!


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