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On 17/04/10 13:55, Geoffrey wrote:
> I am about to buy a new PC with a blank HDD which is to be installed
> with Ubuntu. Bearing in mind that 10.04 is on the horizon how should I
> go about this?
> My existing working PC has 9.10 (fully upgraded of course) and its home
> directory is backed up on an external HDD. This PC will continue to be
> used unchanged in a different home location and in a secondary role and
> will be upgraded to 10.04 in due course of time.
> I prefer to load Ubuntu from a CD as my internet service plan is limited
> to 1 Gb.
> I see several ways of installing Ubuntu on the new PC:
> 1. Install 9.10 (hopefully in current upgrade state) now from a CD
> that I will have to order and get from Ubuntu-AU.
>       Load in the home directory files from the external HDD.
>       Load all the programs currently used by me via Synaptic Package
> Manager.
>    Upgrade to 10.04 when it is released for the working computer. By the
> way when is that to be?
> 2. Wait for 10.04 and install on the new PC when a CD becomes available
> through Ubuntu-AU.
>       Load in the home directory files from the back up on the external HDD
> (will this work in the new version of Ubuntu?).
>       Load all the programs currently used by me via Synaptic Package
> Manager.      
> 3. Have the local computer shop copy the contents of my existing PC's
> HDD (9.10 + installed programs and files) on to the new PC's HDD.
>       Upgrade to 10.04 when it is released for the working computer.
> I would like the process to be seamless and maybe one of more of the
> above ways may have problems.
> Your advice/experience would be appreciated.
> Geoffrey

Hi Geoffrey,
I believe that "option 2" would be your best plan of attack. You can
load the files from your backup copy of your old home  directory.

That's basically what I do as I've never really had much luck with
upgrading. I prefer to do a fresh install for a new release & copy
across my backed up data.

will help you to load the same apps in 10.04 that you currently have
installed on your 9.10 computer.

Basically it's as simple as:
"dpkg --get-selections > installed_packages.txt" will output all the
packages you have installed currently in 9.10 to a text file named

To reinstall all the packages in that list in 10.04, you just have to
run: "dpkg --selections < installed_packages.txt" and then run: "sudo
apt-get dselect-upgrade"

As for your question regarding when 10.04 will be released, the
following website will give you all the details:

Hope this answers your questions :)

Mitch Towner
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