On 17/04/10 18:30, Mitch Towner wrote:
Hi Geoffrey,
I believe that "option 2" would be your best plan of attack. You can
load the files from your backup copy of your old home  directory.

That's basically what I do as I've never really had much luck with
upgrading. I prefer to do a fresh install for a new release&  copy
across my backed up data.
Hi Geoffrey,

Please be aware that Mitch's experience with upgrades is certainly not a "normal" experience. Ubuntu (and Debian, from which it originated) is designed to be easily upgraded. My laptop has been upgraded from hardy -> intrepid (not very long spent there) -> jaunty -> karmic and i have been very happy with the success of upgrades.

(This may not change which option you choose, but please don't assume that upgrades are bad - they aren't.)

Also, be aware that the first month after a stable release will probably result in quite a number of packages being updated to fix important bugs. If your ISP plan has an off-peak time, you may want to leave your PC on overnight and schedule updates to occur then.


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