On Tue, 2010-12-14 at 20:13 +0800, Ryan Macnish wrote:
> Ok, so i will leave the issue of the IRC structure alone, its clear
> that some of the loco veterans dont want change, even for the benefit
> of the loco. But also if i bring it up again i may get kicked from the
> loco.
> So now we have that sorted, i am agreeing not to bring up any more
> issues about the loco that need discussing, because its evident that
> some people in the loco are disturbed by this. So you will hear no
> more complaints nor see any more action from me on this front.

I think the above email is a big part in why the team lost status, and
it has set back the reinstate a long time. And it's not nisshh's fault,
not one bit.

> As for the social stuff, if everyone just announces meetings and
> events on the social platform of their choice (be that facebook,
> identica, diaspora or whatever) then people will re-tweet it and know
> about it, so we may get more activity and participation. Even things
> like Urban Terror and stuff should be announced.

This is a great idea, it will attract more people, more energy, create
more events, except the new people will hit the same wall nisshh hit and
nothing will change.

I would care except there are so many other really fun and vibrant open
source related groups in Sydney (where I live) that aren't affiliated
with a company. I believe other states are in a similar position, or
could be soon.

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