Hey all,

Some good news, i have time now (lots) to get the Classroom sessions i
promised going, i first need some info though:

Can anyone who is interested in these sessions please reply with answers to
these questions:

a) When would the sessions be best for you? (date/time)
b) What topics would you like to see in the sessions? (please suggest more
than one if you can)

Be aware, i plan to run the sessions over IRC, since i am on the other side
of the country. Any other idea's or suggestions are welcome as is anyone who
wishes to help me run one or more of the sessions. I am willing to run
sessions about anything i can, including Ubuntu Development, App
development, Basics of Ubuntu, Using the Terminal, programming, etc.
Although i will NOT be running sessions where users ask for support because
they are having hardware issues, etc. That is what the support channels are

Please ask if you have any other questions about this.

Ryan Macnish (nisshh)
ubuntu-au mailing list

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