On 9 March 2011 17:41, Jared Norris <jrnor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So for Brisbane what I'm thinking is a get together on either Thursday
> the 28th or Friday the 29th of April in a fairly central location to
> get together to mainly socialise. Or if there is a preference to hold
> an install/upgrade fest the it would probably be better to do it the
> next week on Friday (6th of May) or Saturday (7th of May) in a
> location that has reasonable wifi available.
> So, suggestions, thoughts or comments? The earlier we lock this in the
> sooner we can start promoting and hopefully get a better attendance!

I like the idea of a central location and informal/social is the way
to go IMHO. I think pubs are off the list (not necessarily family
friendly). How was the pancake manor as a venue when you organised the
LCA meetup?


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