That will be gr8 they r experienced on this

On 12/2/08, Shahriar Tariq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:56 AM, Jamil Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> we (ankur) have already passed this young energetic talks/moments/crazy
>> hackings. But in long run if you don't have any solid objectives, goals,
>> plans and more importantly dedicated people with dedicated time - it won't
>> show up in reality.
> Thanks Jamil bhai for the mail and advice :)
> May be Ankur & BLUA work together in the project? Why two teams with almost
> same goal/objective need to work separately? With combined workforce,
> resources it will be much more meaningful
> Hope get a positive response from Ankur.
> Knoppix would have been nice but its still trailing and based on kde 3.5
> we can try directly from debian...
> (I quite don't like the idea of going with Ubuntu, seems everyone from
> everywhere is remastering and releasing yet another Ubuntu Derivatives. I
> wish that when (& if) we release our distro they don't say what's the point
> of this yet another derivatives?? we already have dreamlinux or linuxMint..)
> Any technical expertise to work on Debian directly?? :P
> --
> Thanking you
> Shahriar
> Volunteer, Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance
> Marketing & Contents Officer, Ubuntu Bangladesh
> Endorsement: আমাদের প্রযুক্তি ফোরাম and
> মুক্ত.অর্গ
> --
> Ubuntu Bangladesh mailing list

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