As a conclusion I couldn't help pointing out some findings:
1. You are a teacher yet have the tendency to put out flaming words. Ranting
at people at the mailing list. And grouping (as you tried with Aero) with
2. One by one the calm and elaborated answerers failed to keep pace with
you. Take a note about people who disappeared from answering you.
3. You have not only ignored most part of the answers you deviated from the
solutions given. And talked about non-related things which also deviated and
complicated easier things to seem complex.
4. What my suggestion was to read back all the mail replies you got but line
by line and word by word. Reading before explaining helps for newbies.
5. Nobody should know magically that Aero River advocated to you to use
Ubuntu and then brought you over here. Thanks to him.
6. You should also set this thing in mind that Ubuntu succeeds Unix & Linux,
which were the OS of the Geeks. That means it was one of the most complex
things to try out before. And now it has become easier than Windows(in most
cases but its *nothing* like windows).
*7. Nobody is probably more dignified here than you are, because you are the
teacher. But when you revealed your identity as a teacher? After you have
attacked someone personally, while he was trying to help you out. *

Maybe I should say only Indians have such attitudes such as you have
advocated of, even being a teacher. Because, Bangladeshi people are always
thankful and doesn't argue back while learning or trying to get help. I have
asked you to point out where in those last three mails I showed my anger,
you failed.


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