সম্ভবত আমরা mail টা কিছুটা ভুলভাবে নিয়েছি। এখানে Gmail use না করতে বলা হয়নি,
বলা হয়েছে proprietary JavaScript নিয়ে। যেহেতু Gmail is now the most popular
email service, তাই এর proprietary JavaScript নিয়ে বলা হয়েছে, অন্য কোন অংশ
নিয়ে নয়। এখানে আমরা ভাল যা যা বলছি জিমেইল নিয়ে, মেইলটাতে তা আগেই বলে নিয়েছে।
Gmail helps many open source project, it's true; but উদ্দেশ্য মহৎ হলে নিজের
মেইলে proprietary JavaScript কেন? Source টা Open করে দাও। We don't say
google is doing something, but they can do with this proprietary
Javascript. And this is the security hole.

*Proprietary software *from Wikipedia:
*Proprietary software* is computer software ... but restricted
from modification, further distribution, or reverse engineering. ...
Proprietary software vendors usually regard source code as a trade secret.
... Commonly, the *owner restricts use, inspection of source code,
modification of source code, and redistribution. *(Free/Open Source এর
সম্পূর্ণ বিপরীত concept। এটাই Linux এর সাথে Windows এর পার্থক্য।)

You can read about JavaScript trap from gnu.org :

FSF & GNU কাজ করে একই সাথে। আর, মেইলটার রাইটার হল proponent of The Free
Software Foundation (FSF), the leading organization in the world working to
protect the rights of Internet users and defend free/open source software.

আমি মেইলটার কিছু অংশ আবার তুলে ধরছি।

JavaScript is now used by web sites like Gmail to run powerful programs on
your computer. These programs, like any other program running on your
computer, should be free software. But right now, the vast *majority of
JavaScript programs do not respect your essential freedoms to run, study,
modify and share them*. They take control of your computer away from you;
the same control we have been working for over 25 years to protect.
... We're taking action to raise awareness about how to use Gmail without
using proprietary software. We'll also be working on longer term solutions,
but the most immediate positive step to take is to stop running the
proprietary programs.
...But since you are already using Gmail, please help us build momentum for
change by not using the proprietary JavaScript on your system -- and helping
others to do the same.


Mohammad Mukhtaruzzaman (জুয়েল)
Ubuntu Bangladesh

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