@ Shumon,

I think you can try Linux Mint ( ) than Kubuntu. KDE is a bit advanced
thing. You may not find it as user friendly as you are looking for.

I completely agree with you about the Teaching/Training part. Till now the
learning material / resources that are available are very much scattered and
do not have a standard curriculum. Most of the tutorials were written
discretely and aren't very semantic. We have a lot of scope to work on that.

In my opinion, the major reasons about being confused about names or finding
a user interface not friendly etc. comes from the lack of basic knowledges.
In most of the cases applications have standardized names like 'media
player', 'web browser', 'Image Editor' etc. If one can recognize 'Photoshop'
but cannot understand what an 'image Editor/ manipulator' does, it is purely
nothing but lack of knowledge.

Shabab Mustafa
Liaison Person
Ubuntu Bangladesh

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 9:44 PM, Shumon <shumon.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks all. I'll try to summarize/organize for our future reference. I'll
> comment using "ME" per issue as needed.
> 1. Linux options for Windows GUI
> a) Ylmf OS http://ylfm.org/en
> b) Linux XP http://linux-xp.com/
> c) Windows & look-alikes http://goo.gl/Zxstz
> d) Kubuntu http://www.kubuntu.org/
> e) FVWM http://www.fvwm.org/
> ME: I'm leaning toward Kubuntu but which one is best for XP user with
> lesser
> multimedia, plug/play issues & has virtual space to run Windows software?
> 2. Unpopularity
> ME: Even if it's not popular among the Linux community, it's no indicator
> of
> how it'll hold for the general population who may not know about this or
> may
> not know how to use it.
> 3. Support
> a) ME: Organized support group is certainly a challenge at this time. But
> let's at least take those primary steps we can to create that interest
> among
> general users. Any market has a spectrum of participants. Perhaps we won't
> capture the other end of the spectrum but at least some in the middle or
> closer than the middle will get interested. No?
> b) Websites: http://www.linux.org.bd/ http://www.ubuntu-bd.org/ will be up
> in June/soon.
> ME: Great!
> 4. Conversion
> a) ME: Can we have a screen capture video tutorial displaying the benefits
> of Ubuntu? This can be done easily with a freeware (only know of a windows
> app) CamStudio.
> b) ME: A series of such videos in Bangla would be simply wonderful. I can
> help in production but my only handicap at this time is Windows :(
> 5. OpenOffice impractical
> a) ME: Have to agree with Jewel. I use OpenOffice and maintain hundreds of
> old .doc/.xls files as well. Most people don't utilize the thousands of
> features in any of the softwares they use. I'd venture to say perhaps 20-30
> features at most. So OpenOffice is a practical option for MOST MSOffice
> users.
> 6. Adoption: Memorization vs. Learning
> ME: It's not exactly memorization but rather an effect of the power of
> semiotics. Symbols make us think/behave/create expectations in a certain
> way
> without us being aware of it and it's very difficult to break that pattern
> oneself, hence we need good teachers to help us. So, we can't simply blame
> the people and instead provide them with good/efficient teachers/tutorials.
> 7. OS terminlogy standard
> ME: I understand what Jewel means. Using "Open-Excel" is a good idea. The
> problem is copyright/trademark issues of course. But I think he means
> having
> similar naming conventions for similar functions. I am somewhat a dry
> person
> so I want functional names to things and can do without catchy names that
> marketers love for their branding. I'd much rather have similar names for
> similar functions so that I can make the connections and know my options
> easily.
> 8. The problem of choice.
> ME: Again agree with Jewel. Thousands of choice is not always good... of
> course US consumer culture would say otherwise. Sometimes such degree of
> choices are there to confuse and misinform. It can be just as bad as 1
> choice. Here's someone who can explain it better than I ever can.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO6XEQIsCoM and same at
> http://www.ted.com/talks/barry_schwartz_on_the_paradox_of_choice.html
> 9. Overall comment.
> ME: Guys, most of us are at least more technical than the general
> population
> but that doesn't mean we have to take every single word literally. Let's
> try
> to be sympathetic toward what the person is trying to communicate rather
> than the particular words they are using.
> Shumon
> --
> Ubuntu Bangladesh
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd
Ubuntu Bangladesh

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